
Here are the languages that I've been working with during my career. I've gained experience through studies and outside of school during my free time. The projects listed below relied on some of these languages!

  • Java
  • JavaScript (ES6+)
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • C++
  • C
  • C#
  • Objective C
  • Python
  • Swift


Torval was a final group capstone project with two other members and a capstone supervisor, done during my undergraduate studies, taking one year to develop. A computer companion on your mobile device that aims to teach and help people who want to build a PC.

AuroPay (Talam Pay)

Now known as Talam Pay, AuroPay is a mobile solution to an online payment system for Auroville, a village in India. This payment system's goal is to replace the old paper-based transaction system where users had to sign a paper to process a transaction. Currently, over 150 businesses unit in Auroville uses Talam Pay.


One of the projects I've worked on during my coop, Vitaliti's goal is to connect doctors and medical professionals' mobile devices to fundamental vital readings of its patients. My responsibilities included handling the iOS side of this project and communicating it with the React Native project.

AI Crossword Project

A project from Harvard's CS50 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Course involved using constraint satisfaction to create a crossword puzzle solution with any given crossword board and an array of words. It'll also generate an image which provides a more graphical solution.

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